Detroit Dance City Festival

July 27, 2016

Detroit Dance City Festival

Early spring NBT applied to participate in this Detroit Dance City Festival August 25-27th…we were accepted and it’s so hard to believe it is almost here!  Please check out the link below to see all the events/workshops happening and note the following:

NBT will be performing “Let The Waters Rise” in the Choreographers Showcase, on Saturday, August 27th at 4:30 at the Boll Family YMCA theatre…where we were for Project Dance!  Call time TBA

Dress/tech rehearsal at the theatre will be Wednesday, 8/24 in the afternoon.  Time TBA.

TD warm up class/rehearsal will be Tuesday, August 23rd, 1-3:30pm…if this time is not possible for all, I can be flexible.

Workshop classes will be held Thursday-Saturday at the Carr Center…I am scheduled to teach Ballet on Thursday, 11:15!  Please see the link below for the scheduled classes and registration info.


So excited for this opportunity to minister again in Detroit!

